Malevich against Putin
Kazimir Malevich (1878 – 1935) was a painter born in kyiv (Ukraine), creator of Suprematism, where colors and geometric shapes were the components of his painting. Putin has taken away the beauty of the painting of him with his bombs and destructive weapons, turning the color of his forms into COLOR RED.
Malevich tiene que decir mucho a Putin respecto a Ucrania / Malevich has a lot to say to Putin regarding Ukraine. En breve se publicará una entrevista a Putin donde dice que su BIBLIA ES EL COMUNISMO Y EL SOCIALISMO. CONCLUSIÓN EN LA DESCRIPCIÓN DEL VIDEO (os la muestro). “KAZIMIR SEVERINOVICH MALEVICH” BORN IN KYIV (UKRAINIAN) WAS A SOVIET AND UKRAINIAN AVAN-GARDE ARTIST AND ART THEORIST OF POLISH DESCENT, WHOSE PIONEERING WORK AND WRITING HAD A PROFOUND INFLUENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF NON-OBJETIVE ART (ABSTRACT ART) IN THE 20TH CENTURY. Los comunistas rusos comandados por Putin, comenzaron la invasión de Ucrania el 24 de Febrero de 2022, formando parte de la guerra ruso-ucraniana que comenzó en 2014. Faltan pocos días para que se cumpla UN AÑO DE GUERRA. ¿Cómo es posible que los COMUNISTAS HAGAN ESTO EN EL SIGLO XXI?. En España también tenemos COMUNISTAS EN EL GOBIERNO gracias a Pedro Sanchez que dijo que nunca pactaría con ellos. Ustedes verán en las próximas elecciones de mayo de este año… The Russian communists commanded by Putin began the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, as part of the Russo-Ukrainian war that began in 2014. There are only a few days left until ONE YEAR OF WAR is over. How is it possible that the COMMUNISTS DO THIS IN THE XXI CENTURY? In Spain we also have COMMUNISTS IN THE GOVERNMENT thanks to Pedro Sanchez who said that he would never agree with them. You will see in the next elections in May of this year… |